Saturday, December 11, 2010

January Juice Feast.

Hello Dear Webworld Friends!

We are all tucked in for winter, and David is gearing up to coach yet another exciting group of people on their own Hero's Journey.

His most recent client just finished months of one-on-one coaching, and I thought you might like to hear about her experience first-hand (and there is an upcoming coached Juice Feast in two weeks!) Here is her experience in her own words:

"August 2010, I signed up for a 30 day coached juice feast with David Rainoshek. To be honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into but my original intent was to nourish my body, lose a few pounds, get my blood pressure and cholesterol in check and balance my life – everything in my life was out of balance, I needed help. I'm a wife, a Mom to 2 small boys, employed in the high tech industry - I was wiped out and checking out of my life.

The first 30 days, I felt like a sleeping child whose Mom gently woke them up every morning – David prodded me - get up, it's time to wake up. Wake up? Where are we going today? I’m tired, I’m really tired. Wake up! Where do you need to go? Somewhere else. I was overwhelmed and eager to learn and do and change all at the same time. I learned how to meditate, big mind practice, bring my vitamin D level to normal, balance my intake and include essentials like fish oil, integral life practice, being mindful, read a few books, and started feeling my life again. Strangely enough, for the first 30 days when David & I skyped during our daily sessions, it was never about my juice, it was waking up my mind. And, wake up I did. I’ll add that I did lose a few pounds and my blood pressure and cholesterol are in the normal range – a good juice feast does wonders for nourishing and normalizing the body. But, my mind, oh my mind was going bonkers – I was thinking and being and living and smiling. David the entire time listened – sometimes I babbled, sometimes there was nothing to say, sometimes I just listened to David the coach giving me things to try, to experience, to do. I loved the fact David met with me every weekday– it allowed me to work on the challenges of day to day life.

I have to say that being coached wasn’t easy for me. During the process, I once wrote in my journal – David isn’t my friend, he is my coach. I’m glad he is brutal and honest, however I don’t like being coached anymore because it makes me feel ugly. I’m talking about and changing the things in my life that I don’t like about myself and that’s really uncomfortable. Instead, I’d just prefer to keep hiding. But…

For some reason my mind tells me to keep plowing ahead and even better things are going to happen in my life. David kept listening, offering guidance and I kept changing. David stays on as my coach for another 3 months. I quit the juice feast after 60 some odd days, I quit counting. During some conversation with David, he decides to tell me about somebody that died of smoking related causes. I drop the phone. It all resonates with me and a dagger is put into my back and twists so hard I am lost for a moment – yes, I smoke. I have smoked for 30 years. Quitting smoking wasn’t part of the coaching plan, or was it? It wasn’t. I’m mad, I’m angry, I confess that yes I’m cleansed from juicing but not cleansed from the toxins of cigarettes. Where do I go. David let me decide. I decide to quit smoking and David coached me through my journey.

I have to stop here and smile because as you read this you must know that I truly believe David invested some serious time into my life as my coach. We had a few extra talks on the weekend, he researched smoking, my ailments and detox symptoms, some of our scheduled 30 minute conversations went overtime, it was obvious the journey was more important than just being "a day job", he did more research, we laughed as my meditation brought on Harry Potter daggers into my forehead, he listened to me cry from physical withdrawal, also cry because I was so overwhelmed with happiness I couldn’t mutter any words, he offered more advice, gave more mindfulness practice, pushed me hard and 2 months later - I emerged. As a non-smoker!

I don’t know how to end what I’d like to pass on to anyone about coaching with David – perhaps I’ll just simply say – if you allow yourself to be coached, David might take you on a journey of discovery and change too –

I love my life,

If you are ready for this level of coaching, we look forward to hearing from you!

The January 2011 Juice Feast begins in two weeks! As I write this post, there are just three more spaces available in this amazing 30 Day Program! Here is the info:

January 2011 Juice Feast with David Rainoshek, MA

Have a dynamic, meaningful final few weeks as we move into the New Year.

All Love,

David, Katrina, and Sophia

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer 2010 Juice Feast!

Hello Dear Friends!

Summer is here in full strength! Have you been cooling yourself with fresh juices? (I have a great Cooling Summer Juice Recipe at the bottom of this blog for you!)

Katrina and I have been on a very remote part of a remote island off the coast of British Columbia, climbing mountains to get internet access... and we are finally hooked up.

And there is a private Juice Feast coming up! Here is the info:
**NOTE: David will be coaching no more than 8 people (to ensure a deep coaching and group experience), so early registration is important to hold your space, and to set up a Initial Consultation. This is not a Global Juice Feast, but an incredible opportunity to be coached personally by David Rainoshek in an extended 30-Day Juice Feast!

The 2010 Summer Juice Feast with David Rainoshek, MA as your personal, private coach, is a 30-Day Juice Feast beginning Friday, August 6th with the Feast-Closing Day on Sunday, September 5th. A guided Closing of the Juice Feast with David Rainoshek will be enjoyed September 5th and 6th, with a renewed entry into Raw/Living Plant-Based Foods and Superfoods on the 7th of September.

Once you have registered, you will receive a Juice Feasting Health Inventory and be scheduled for a one-on-one pre-Juice Feast Initial Consultation (2-3 hours) with David Rainoshek, MA, in which we will review your Health History, tailor your upcoming Juice Feast to your needs, and make sure you are ready, both materially and mentally for a significant, transformative Juice Feast.

Daily personal one-on-one coaching during the January Juice Feast will be held Monday through Friday, with Sunday Juice Group conversations. You will also be able to access group support in the online Summer 2010 Juice Feast site established just for January Juice Feasters, and be able to contact David Rainoshek, MA at any time during the Juice Feast for support.

Whether you are moving beyond Industrialized Nutrition, fine-tuning for the summer season (or fall/winter to come), orienting to plant-based foods, or wanting to better honor your life’s authenticity, David Rainoshek will personally orient you to a deeper understanding of nutrition and deep living during this 30-Day Juice Feast.

**NOTE: David will be coaching no more than 8 people (to ensure a deep coaching and group experience), so early registration is important to hold your space, and to set up a Initial Consultation.


+ One-on-one personal daily coaching by David Rainoshek, MA Vegan Live Food Nutrition
+ Complimentary 1-Year Access to and Lifetime Access to The Green Room
+ Private networking site just for Summer 2010 Juice Feasters
+ Sunday Juice Group Call each Sunday at 12:00 noon PST for 5 Sundays during the Summer 2010 Juice Feast
+ Personal insight into David Rainoshek’s current work on The Spectrum of Diet and Integral Life Practices
+ Integrate Juice Feasting and Contemplative Work
+ Coached Juice Feast-Closing with Green Smoothies.
+ Coached insight on a sustainable cuisine, placing your Center of Gravity on Raw/Living Plant-Based foods and Superfoods.

Have a great week

With peaceful steps,

David Rainoshek, MA

David Rainoshek's Cooling Summer Juice ( Make 1 to 1.5 quarts of juice with:



It sounds simple, but it is divine!

For our family Mid-Summer Update, go HERE!

Monday, April 26, 2010

House of Honey, or The "No Agave Here" House

Ohhh Sweet Honey! (honey at Cafe Bliss)

Something that my intuition and my body has always told me is now being confirmed by some of the very people who worked so hard to bring agave to the mainstream: agave is the worst “bandito” of all sweeteners!

I bought one bottle of agave about 4 years ago after seeing pictures on David Wolfe's site of a beautiful young woman pouring it down her throat, straight out of the bottle! I thought, wow, a sweetener that is so good for you that you can drink it like water!?

I tried it, I didn't like it at all. It tasted like corn syrup to me, and made me feel awful. So I went back to what I have always used and loved, honey. Over the years since then, I have had many opportunities to enjoy raw treats made with agave. While I do enjoy them in my mouth, everything after that point is a mess. Or should I say, I am a mess! Katrina + agave = basket-case. I feel edgy, anxious, hungry, grumpy, and all those unpleasant things that go along with blood sugar imbalance. So I do my best to avoid the stuff.

If you are still using agave in your household, please read the following articles and then go and pour it down the drain!

The Agave Blues by David Wolfe

This "Tequila" Sweetener is Far Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup by Dr. Mercola

Agave Nectar, the High Fructose Health Food Fraud on Natural News

So, that brings me back to honey! I felt inspired to write a little ode to honey..... Honey is magical. Bees are magical. Flowers are magical. Eating honey makes me feel magical.

In Organic Farming and Beekeeping, it becomes a partnership between bee and honey farmer. The symbiosis is beautiful, and as a honey eater I feel tapped into a beautiful, life affirming circle. And, honey is LOCAL! We get our honey from Babe's Honey Farm, and it is beautiful, and it gives me a pleasant, gentle buzz.

And did you know that bees will produce up to 3 times the amount that they need to survive? In ethical beekeeping practices, both the bees and the honey eaters benefit.

I love visiting honey farms and listening to the hum of the bees. See if you can find a honey farm near you and start to visit whenever you need a little sweetness.

Honey is expensive (at least compared to conventional sugar) but in my mind this is a good thing. It just means we use less of it and are more careful of our consumption. When it comes to sweetener, a little mindfulness is a very good idea! It also means we are paying the honey farmer a living wage rather than paying pennies for sugar grown by people living in abject poverty in countries miles and miles away.

Of course there are other alternatives to sweeten you treats, and honey may not be the one for you. If you are working with blood-sugar issues such as diabetes or candida, you will want to be even more aware of your sweetener choices. The above articles do a good job at listing out other sweeties to choose from.

In closing, if you needed another reason to start buying organic, this might be it. Saving the Honey Bee Through Organic Farming.

I'd love to hear your experiences with agave, and what your household's sweetener of choice is!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It has been a mild winter here on the West Coast....wet, gray, fogged in day after day, but mild. And that means early nettles!

Here is some info on nettles from Susun S. Weed in her book The Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year (a book I HIGHLY recommend if you are planning on having babies) :

The common stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica, is one of the finest nourishing tonics known. It is reputed to have more chlorophyll than any other herb. The list of vitamins and minerals in this herb includes nearly every one known to be necessary for human health and growth. Vitamins A, C, D, and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and sulphur are particularly abundant in Nettles.

Benefits of drinking Nettle infusion before and throughout pregnancy include (Katrina's note: I feel that many of these benefits are sure to be true after the birth as well!)

~Aiding the kidneys.

~Increasing fertility in men and women.

~Nourishing mother and fetus.

~Easing leg cramps and other muscle spasms.

~Diminishing pain during and after birth. The high calcium content, which is readily assimilated, helps diminish muscle pains.

~ Increasing the richness and amount of breast milk.

~ Improves the elasticity of the veins. Good help for varicose veins.

Feeling inspired to get out to the nettle patch and do some picking!?

As with any wild food harvesting, make sure you know what you are picking before you eat it! I find a pair of garden gloves and a plastic bag works best for harvesting nettles, but a pair of rubber gloves or even a thicker plastic bag for your picking had will work too (they really do sting!) Picking the top 1-2 inches of the plants in early spring (or late winter on the West Coast this year) gives you the tenderest treat, but I found that picking and using even the tougher late summer leaves was fine.

I did loads of nettle smoothies (and nettle tea, and steamed nettles) while I was pregnant with Sophia last spring and on into the summer. My intuition is that nettles and other green smoothies were part of the reason that my iron levels stayed in good range throughout my pregnancy (I was not taking any iron supplements or eating any meat.)

My favorite nettle smoothie:

1-4 cups nettle tops (they are very strong tasting, so if you have never had raw nettles before, start small!)

2 bananas

3 cups blackberries

1 apple

2 cups water


I also really love steamed nettles (yes, I am using some cooked food this chilly winter!) with a little bit of coconut oil and tamari. Simply put a huge pile of nettles, stems and all, into a pot with some water on the bottom. Bring water to a boil, and then turn off, leaving the lid on the pot and letting the nettles steam for about 5-10 minutes. Remove steamed nettles from the water and add a little coconut oil and a dash of tamari. After you have eaten the nettles, you can drink the water that they were steamed in!

Nettle tea, or infusion as Susun Weed calls it, is another staple in my kitchen. Here is how Susun recommends making a water based infusion:

Use one ounce of dried leaves (two handfuls of cut-up leaves or three handfuls of whole leaves) in a quart jar. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water, put the lid on and let it steep for four hours at room temperature.

Leaves contain the potent healer chlorophyll. Long steeping extracts all the chlorophyll, as well as the vitamins, minerals, and other medicinal components of the leaves. Steeping in a closed jar keeps the water-soluble vitamins from escaping in the steam.

Having the time to harvest and dry your own nettle leaves for tea is wonderful, but if you don't, you can almost always find dried nettle in the bulk herb section of your local health food store! If not, try out our favorite bulk herb shop on-line, Mountain Rose Herbs.

There you have it, one of my favorite wild foods, the common stinging nettle.

I've never tried it in juice, but I bet some one will! Let me know what you discover with nettle juice, oh potent!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Make a Wish!

Finding some sunshine on a winter juice!

Hello Juicy Friends!

I hope that winter is finding you enjoying plenty of cozy moments!

We certainly seem to be flying through winter with a baby in the house to light our days with her smile! Sophia is now seven months old and seems to be learning something new every day. I can't believe it is February already, and that March is right around the corner which means that SPRING is right around the corner!

I am writing to let you know about a very special event that is coming up....yet another gift from Tera Warner and Shannon Leone....My diva-licious friends, creators of the Raw Mom Summit, have gathered up yet another beautiful basket of wisdom, all there waiting for you to pick it up and sit down for a cup of tea with it….please be sure to listen in starting March 8th!

From the Divas themselves:

WISH Summit

It sees women have always come together as part of a

community to support one another in their tasks and times of

need. Now, in our electronic world, we can facilitate the

coming together of much larger groups of women and a much

more diverse range of knowledge, wisdom and support.

That's why Tera Warner and Shannon Leone have created

W.I.S.H. Women's International Summit for Health. In

celebration of Women's Day this year, they're extending a

one-time-only invitation to attent an online summit where 40

of the world's leading experts on health and wellness for

women will be coming together at the same time.

For a series of 10 days, women will be given access to a

series of recorded interviews with some incredible people. You

can catch all of the interviews for FR@E!! by registering before March 8.

Whether it’s the kids, the cellulite, the hot flashes or

steamy romances, W.I.S.H. brings women together to find

solutions and recharge their batteries.

W.I.S.H. promises to be the world's biggest empowerment

party for women
and I invite and encourage you to sign up

and be a part of this extraordinary event.

I hope you will join me in listening in and share a cup of virtual tea (or orange juice!) with me while we soak up some inspiration!

With peaceful steps,

Katrina Rainoshek

WISH Summit

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Green Beauty Soup

Well, I've fallen madly in love with photography again and as part of my plan to take my skills to the next level, I have committed myself to Project 365. Yep, a photo a day for a whole year. So far I am 26 days in and have already learned so much, especially that I have more to learn than I ever imagined! I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Today's photo was the above, Green Beauty Soup, and I felt that it was worth writing about here. I can't seem to get enough of it, so simple to make, so satisfying, and so full of those leafy greens that make my world go round. Getting a pound of leafy greens (or more) per day into your body is one of our top priorities, we want you to THRIVE!! This is why David is always talking about the "Four Means to Get Your Greens," because getting in that many greens can seem daunting until you realize that you can:

1. JUICE your greens. We all know about green juice.
2. Eat your greens in a beautiful, colorful SALAD. We all know about salad.
3. Blend your greens into a green SMOOTHIE. We all know about green smoothies.
4. Blend your greens into a green SOUP. We all know about green soups.

(If you don't yet know all about these things, Google around and find some recipes to play with. There are so many people blogging about raw food and raw recipes now, and you will be in good company. Learn how to make versions of these things that knock off your socks so that you will be inspired to make more and prosper! You can also check out my favorite raw food books here.)

Yep, simple as that. If you do at least three out of those four, JUICE, SALAD, SMOOTHIE, or SOUP, you'll be getting in close to a pound and probably more of leafy green goodness.

The Four Means to Get Your Greens can be added to any diet, any time, for a wonderful boost to health and vitality. So, if you just finished a cheese burger from Burger King, try starting with a green smoothie every day, and work your way up to having a green smoothie, green juice, cheese burger, and then a green soup :).....I'll be honest, I don't usually do three, but almost every day I have at least two of the four and get in close to a pound of greens because I make my morning smoothies so heavy on the greens, and my soup, salad, or juice so loaded with leafies.

Here is today's version of Green Beauty Soup:

Start with guacamole. Mash two ripe avocados with the juice of one lemon, a generous dash of Celtic Sea Salt, a generous dash of dill, and 4-8 cloves of crushed garlic.

Then, blend in your high-speed blender the following: 1/2 pound spinach. 1/2 pound mixed baby greens. 1 handful of cashews. 1 TBS hemp oil. 1 small head of broccoli. 1-2 cups water. Blend on high until nice and creamy.

Next, pour your blended greens over your bright green guacamole and mix the two together. Add more salt and dill if needed. Garnish with big red pepper pieces to crunch on the side, and sprinkle with hemp hearts and cashews.

Serves two lucky darlings.

I made this as a good-bye lunch for my mom who headed off on the 3 o'clock ferry today, on her way down to California to be with her husband who is working there for the winter. I wasn't crazy about the broccoli, but it was still delicious. Sophia enjoyed sucking on a piece of red pepper while we enjoyed the soup.

In other news, the January Juice Feast sold out (!), and is currently flowing along beautifully with an amazing group of folks. The next group Juice Feast lead by David Rainoshek will be during the Third Annual Global Juice Feast...more information to come on that soon!

Love and leafy greens, Katrina.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Raw Food World TV Show

We had a fun chat with the hosts of the Raw Food World TV Show the other day, Mat Monarch and Angela it is!

Part One: Attuned Awareness after birth, episode #348 Today we had the pleasure in interviewing David Rainoshek. David discusses how they juicefeasted before conception and how more attuned awareness is experienced after birthing a new child.

Part Two: More on Juicefeasting w/David Rainoshek, Episode #349 Today we've got the second part of this Q & A discussion with the Rainoshek's. We go deeper into discussing Juice Feasting... Enjoy...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well, in beautiful HARMONY, we have had SEVEN lovely people leave their favorite juice recipes on our doorstep, and in return, we have SEVEN 30 Day Memberships to send their way! If you were one of those seven people who left a favorite juice, please send me an email at: that includes your first and last name and email address and I will set you up with a membership!

Here are the seven favorite juices, yum yum!

1. Cucumber/ Celery/ Cilantro/ Burdock Root/ Parsley/ Dandelion Greens/ Ginger/Lemon or Lime/ Red Bell Pepper/ Apple or Pear
*add cayenne after all ingredients are juiced. ~NaturallyMariam

WOW, what an amazing, full juice! Full of powerful medicine, this one will really take you places!

2. My favorite juice is what I call my "soup juice". Satisfies dinner cravings while juice feasting every time: Carrot/ cilantro/ parsley/ celery/ green onions/ spinach
Tastes like a soup broth of carrots, celery and onions..
My 16 month old, Mara, loooves my juices, too!! ~Jamie

So glad to hear that lucky little Mara is getting beautiful green juice! I loved "soup juices" too while Juice Feasting, and made a similar one to this but with tomato and basil added too! So good!

3. My favorite juice is really quite simple but oh so satisfying:1 head of greens/ celery/ apples/ carrots/ lemon ~Michelle

This is one of my favorite combos too, clear, clean, light, hydrating, and nutritious! I also like adding cucumber to mine too.

4. carrot/ apple/ celery/ ginger/ lemon ~Melomel

I've been adding ginger to all my juices for the winter too, a great way to stay warm from the inside out.

celery/ cucumber/ lacinato kale/ lime/ fennel ~Christine

I love the freshness of fennel and lime!

6. My favorite juice is made of celery/ cucumber/ kale/ apple/ lemon. Sometimes I add some ginger. ~ Lisa

Pure goodness. My sister has a juice just like this at
Cafe Bliss called Pure Green. I always get a quart of it when I am there!

7. An old, simple, favorite is one we call Sunshine Rising: 10 Carrots/ 4 Apples/ 1-2" Ginger ~Rees

That sounds delish! We need some Sunshine Rising in these winter days of North! I love it that these ingredients can be found locally at this time of year here, we've been drinking lots of carrot/apple/ginger juice in this house!

Thank you all for your beautiful juice masterpieces! I look forward to having you on and hearing more about your juicy adventures....

Sophia and I making an evening juice: baby bok choy/ cucumber/ celery/ apple/ lemon, and ginger.

With blessings and love,